With the stifling weather of the last couple of weeks, I would say that those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer have been rolled out” as Nat King Cole sang about. But by the fourth of July, the heat had finally gotten to both of us and for the first time in many years, we…
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Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”
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Hello from “just over the hilltop” in Norwood. Since the last journal we have had rain, rain, and more rain which is bringing out the green on the ground. The maples don’t have any buds yet, but the lilacs have tiny ones just starting. Today we had a little sun and a little warmth and…
Hello to my dear family and friends from “just over the hilltop.” The other morning while washing dishes and listening to a playlist from the former Mom’s Schoolhouse Diner, the song “Forty Shades of Green” came on. I glanced out the window to see how our green measured up. I noticed we may not have…
Hello from just over the hilltop. I’m back! It has been a mixture of frustration, excitement, adventure, and glorious happiness all in a few weeks. Changing over computers is definitely a challenge and adventure. Even a little frustrating. I had my Toshiba laptop for seven years with two major repairs, but it was now working…
It is a beautiful sunny day on the hilltop with dandelions bursting forth across the yard in glorious yellows that pop against the lush green of the new grown grass. God puts together gorgeous pictures daily for me as I go about my day’s work. Early in the morning the cardinals brighten the view while…
Today we are getting flurries at the moment, but last week we had our January thaw without winter’s freeze and snow. The temperatures were in the forties and fifties, which melted the base of ice in the driveway. Dick chopped and scraped, helping the warm sunny days to get rid of all the icy condition….
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- Favorite Things of 2020 November 29, 2021
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- Sausage Gravy & Biscuits March 15, 2021
- Apple Crisp October 13, 2020
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