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Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Showing posts from July 2018.

Hello from “just over the hilltop” on this beautiful rainy day. Yesterday, not so beautiful. We were coming home from the family reunion in Arlington, Vermont and then a visit in Ilion, New York with our daughter Karen and family when the heavens opened up this side of Harrisville and poured down heavy rain. This…

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This past winter as I was sorting through old notebooks, journals, and daily blessing books, I found the journal of signed guests who attended my fiftieth birthday party. It was a joy to reread and remember not only the people that came to that wonderful day-long party, but to remember the special events that took…

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With the stifling weather of the last couple of weeks, I would say that those “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer have been rolled out” as Nat King Cole sang about. But by the fourth of July, the heat had finally gotten to both of us and for the first time in many years, we…

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In the last three weeks I have thought of many great ways to start this very late journal, but they all elude me today. Can it really be I am maybe too busy or not as well organized as I once was? Well, here I am giving it a whirl or rather a distinct typing…

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