85 N. Main St., Norwood, NY 13668
(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

My, how the days and weeks slip by so rapidly as the year winds down. It’s been three weeks since last writing to you from “just over the hilltop” though I did start while working at the election on the 5th. I worked in Madrid at the Hepburn library and had a lovely day with…

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The beauty of this time of the year reminds me of two songs. One is “The autumn leaves drift by my window” and today the trees are releasing many of their glorious leaves as it sometimes appears to be raining yellow, orange, and some red/browns giving the ground a natural beauty as well. The transfer…

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Oh, October, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Harvest parties, wagon rides, bonfires, scuffing about in the drying leaves, the smell of apple pies and harvest soups, and the smell of the earthy dried leaves and geraniums. Sweaters, the cool crisp air, soccer and field hockey (from my high school days),…

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Hello from “just over the hilltop” where the last of summer blew out and autumn fell in. I love this time of the year when the air is crisp and fresh, the changing colors bloom in vivid contrast to the backdrop of the browns and grays, the sunsets seem more glorious, and the animals begin…

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The doctor had called me that morning long ago, to see if I was home alone. I was. He suggested I call someone as he didn’t expect Errin Bruce to live much longer. He thought I should have someone with me for when he needed to make the call. Forty-five years ago the hospitals were…

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It is now Wednesday and I am at the church waiting for the gentleman that will tune the piano. Dick, Glenn, and a couple of workers moved it on Saturday. It is so beautiful just to look at. Thank you, Lord, for this blessing and to Glenn for the gift of using it. I am…

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