Hello from “just over the hilltop” where the last of summer blew out and autumn fell in. I love this time of the year when the air is crisp and fresh, the changing colors bloom in vivid contrast to the backdrop of the browns and grays, the sunsets seem more glorious, and the animals begin to scurry about getting ready for the onslaught of winter.
The deer have helped themselves to the young blossoms on my geraniums along the driveway and then moved to devour the three beautiful roses that were the last of summer’s glory. I wonder, but don’t hope, if they were pricked by the thorns. It maybe would keep them from finding the fourth one hidden beneath the leaves of the little bush. Oh, well. The mice have started to enter in at the bookstore and so we are showing them they can’t stay around our place. Maybe they could find an old shed somewhere and be content to live their winter months away from people’s homes or businesses. Also the wind settled from the southwest yesterday, the first day of autumn, and according to Mr. Whitney the next three months will be warmer than usual. We’ll see.
Fun times
Last week I had several visitors at the bookstore and enjoyed listening to their stories of days gone by and of current events. Catie watched the store for us on Saturday while we had a booth at the Autumn Festival in the Norwood Park. We had taken Dick’s puppet Lester B. Grumble aka “Grumpy” to tell stories and visit with children and adults alike. He had a great time and was offered a visit to the library to talk and read at the children’s story time. I think he jumped at the chance. I say that because he (the puppet) danced with the music from the bands that entertained at the park throughout the day. We were also able to invite and talk with many about Grace Bible Fellowship that has now begun its services and outreach.
we sang “Lead On, O King Eternal” in remembrance of the village chimes
Friday evening we had an Open House at the hall with several of our friends coming to wish us well with blessings and prayers. Jessika, our granddaughter, made chocolate cupcakes with a peanut butter frosting for me. So good. Then the grandchildren prepared the hymnals for their first use after I showed them how to open a brand new book properly so the binding doesn’t break. I’m so thankful for their help. Matthew, the oldest grandson in this area, had helped Dick painting the inside walls. It looks so friendly and homey.
And so we began officially on Sunday. That, too, was a very special time. One of the hymns we sang was “Lead On, O King Eternal” in remembrance of the village chimes playing that song the first time we looked through the window to see if we might be interested in renting the space for Grace Bible. We were. We did. We’ve begun.
The other morning after Dick had kissed me before going out to work, he made this comment, “now don’t you leave, too.” I looked at him quizzically and he reminded me of long ago when our first favorite cat had died. He was holding a kitten in his lap when Katherine died and had looked down and whispered, “now don’t you leave.” We had Katherine for many years and she made the move with us the North Country along with it many changes. But one day while on the farm in West Potsdam, she jumped into a moving van’s front tire and died moments later.
This memory was brought on by the unexpected death of our West Potsdam neighbor’s wife at a young age last week. Dick knew her better than I but we were both saddened and shocked by her death. Alice worked for the same person that Dick does a lot of carpentry work for. We attended the funeral Friday and found words of comfort difficult at this time. Thinking it could be anyone at anytime drives you to think more closely about the possibility and so his serious comment, “don’t you leave, too.” I am not the one to make that choice for scripture tells us “there is a time to be born and a time to die.” I’m glad I don’t know the time. And until then…….I’ll keep loving Dick, loving God, and loving my family, knowing and looking forward to that reunion in the sky. Hopefully you are prepared for that day and until then, keep loving. Love, Sharon