“June is busting out all over” and so is our life! Last week I mentioned time and trying to savor it, work it, and enjoy it: well, these last several days I have accomplished all of that with the time I was given!
Before I write of our wonderful last five days let’s back up to last Monday. Dick was able to go cruizin’ with a few other men to Bokie’s in Malone in a ‘58 Chevy Delray. He said the ride in Hughie’s car was smooth, the meal delicious, and the time with friends exceptional. He was gone for five hours and was thrilled to be “back in the fifties” that day.
I was able to pull more weeds last week and found the purple irises popping up in huge numbers, the wild geraniums starting to blossom, the yellow day lilies are opening, and the unknown purple weed is filling in the blank spots in the garden along the cedar fence. We couldn’t find the coveted red geraniums for the driveway so have settled for red petunias with another red unknown flower with them. They aren’t as bright as geraniums but once the sun and warmth returns they should fill out, thus adding a touch of red to the driveway. Just not a brilliant red this year.
The wind blew many of the irises over so I brought some in today to cheer up the dining room as I am missing all the big and little faces around the table. The rain has dampened outdoor activities and especially Dick’s painting of the barn next door. But I’m sure the sun will come out soon and he can return to this job. He began on Saturday which became the first day I opened and closed the bookstore alone. I missed him and it was quiet that day but I was able to get much thinking, studying, and rearranging done. I love to rearrange.
Family Time
Friday evening Karen and Jami with the three little ones came for the weekend. Karen wanted to make one more trip to the North Country before the new baby arrives. They pulled in just before we got home from the bookstore and thus began the time I mentioned at the start of the journal. After supper, I fixed ice cream cones and the three little ones and I went up on the hilltop to enjoy and eat ours. We poked around a little, watched the squirrel play in the grass and then decided to finish our cones while swinging on the glider. It started to sprinkle though the sun was still out so I informed them we were fine as the Norway maple was providing a canopy over us and we weren’t getting wet. I thought for sure the rain was going to stop. But no. Instead it opened up and began to pour. It still wasn’t raining on us but I knew that wouldn’t last long the way it was coming down. I told them eventually the leaves would get heavy with water and would bow down and drop that water on us. We were deciding about racing to the house; though how fast does one race with an eighteen-month-old, plus a four and five year old, when we saw that their daddy had taken pity on us, got out an umbrella and came to rescue us. He got us in two trips just as the canopy began to leak its contents of water onto the glider. Whew, that was close. And a great adventure.
the most touching moment is when Garrett wanted me to sing
Saturday they went to the parade in Canton with the cousins and then over to Eric’s and Andrea’s house for a barbecue and water-gun fight. After closing the store I picked up Dick and we went to a barbecue party at our friends in Norfolk, after which we stopped by at Eric’s to visit a short while. Sunday after church we rested a little while Karen had old friends to visit with. That night I made pizza and that was followed by watching “Pollyanna” and enjoying popcorn. I think the movie was too slow and a little over the grandchildren this time. I forgot how the action wasn’t as fast moving as “Mary Poppins.” But the time together is precious.
Talking about precious; the most touching moment over the weekend was when Garrett wanted me to sing “God is so Good.” I asked why that particular song and he told me because I didn’t sing it on the tape. What tape? I had forgotten that before he was born and after closing the diner, I had time to record a cassette tape of me playing the piano and talking to him. I had shared and played his mommy’s favorite hymn, his daddy’s favorite hymn, the first hymn that I remember learning, and many others. Well, he still occasionally listens to that tape when he goes to bed, but it appears I said on the tape I was going to sing that song but I didn’t. I only played it. So, the amazing moment is when he asked me to sing to him Sunday after lunch and quoted word for word what I had said on the tape. Heidi and he continued to ask me to sing more songs for them and so my heart was full of joy thinking that these little children wanted to hear me.
Friends, too
They left Monday morning and Kate along with her little ones, Sam and Emma, came for that afternoon and spent the night. She had also come to see our friend Rhonda who is in the area for a couple of weeks from Washington State. Rhonda and Pete (her son) came for supper. Pete is going to help me with setting up and learning to play a keyboard and answer questions about the websites and computer issues while he is here. It was wonderful to see them and have them over for a meal.
Time: savoring it, working it, and enjoying it
Sam and Papa Dick always enjoy setting up the train though this time it was more difficult because Emma, who is crawling now, wants to play, too. She smiles continuously and seems to be content playing alone. But alas, they could only stay one night and left today after visiting with a friend over lunch and stopping to see the bookstore.
So, here I am trying to catch up with writing, laundry, and dishes, etc., while savoring the time spent with all of the grandchildren but especially the time with Karen and Kate. I love taking care of them and listening to their stories of life’s struggles and triumphs. Time: savoring it, working it, and enjoying it. I did them all.
Thus ends this long weekend with this long journal to you. Enjoy, work, and savor your time again this week. Love to all, Sharon