Hello from just over the hilltop where I am home for the entire day, the first in several weeks. I didn’t get to write last week and you’ll see why as I continue with today’s journal, but I want to start with a memory of my father.
Last week would have been his 86th birthday and in honor of him we opened our newest business, the Tree of Life Christian Bookstore. I say “in honor” because we actually opened on his birthday, March 22nd, and though it was a quiet opening, I chose that date in memory of him. He was and is still my inspiration for entrepreneurship in my life. It all started with a garbage route in high school because I had a truck, the town had a need, and I wanted more money to help with my youth expenditures. So, my Dad suggested I start a garbage business. I guess I would say that all my business endeavors over the years have been my Dad’s fault. Or was it really his excellent teaching and example in business himself? I don’t have his business sense but I surely have his heart of an entrepreneur.
All my business endeavors over the years have been my Dad’s fault
That is just one of the reasons we’ve been preoccupied. During the push of these last few weeks we still tried to enjoy life as usual: meaning our regular activities with high points added. The writers’ group met here but this time I stayed in the kitchen because I had a special order for two kinds of cookies and an order of muffins. I showed up for the West Potsdam Retired Ladies luncheon that Thursday, grateful that Ardie was preparing and hosting our monthly get-together.
That Friday evening we had a St. Patrick’s Day supper at our friends, Dave and Judi, and we only needed to walk across the road as we had worked at the bookstore all day. It was another wonderful and relaxing time of sweet fellowship and delicious food. Saturday night we attended a pot luck supper at church followed by a concert. Then for whatever reason, I took a three-hour nap on Sunday afternoon.
The weather
March came in like a lion bringing several inches of snow the first two weeks along with cold temperatures which have kept the snow banks high and the ground covered until this week. The south side of the front maple finally began to expose the brown grass with the hope of spring blossoming soon. Each day more and more snow is receding along with the sun rising higher and higher in the sky. I even started to take the candles in the windows down as the daylight hours are longer and the evening light so beautiful.
On the first day of spring the wind came in from the north and so according to Mr. Whitney, the next three months will be colder than normal though not every day will be like that. Just the overall pattern. Also I worked the village election that day as an inspector and enjoyed my time with the other inspectors as well as meeting more village residents. We were voting on two trustee positions and are happy with the results.
New business
As we pushed to get open Dick, my one and a half armed carpenter (he is doing so much better with ranch of motion though it hasn’t all returned), designed and painted our signs. He had injured his right shoulder which was a blessing because he is left-handed. That has allowed him to be creative in staging and climbing ladders yet still able to use his left hand to paint. I love the signs and think he did a wonderful job, especially with his temporary handicap. Then on Saturday he built a new trash bin for the bookstore and I think our trash man will be very happy! Dick says he needs to be doing something other than just waiting to heal. Some people may call it stir-crazy or cabin fever but he is not sick of winter or snow or cold, just not being able to work. And so he is doing all he can to remedy that.
people may call it stir-crazy or cabin fever but he is not sick of winter or now or cold
Our opening day saw one of my waitresses stop by and Catie visited for the afternoon. While she was there former customers Mr. and Mrs. Wilson came and we all sat around the table and got caught up on life. Other neighbors and customers came by and our first three days were just perfect for us as we settle into opening and closing, ordering and deciding on inventory, and my hardest job: displaying. I miss Karen and Kate and try to think, “how and what would they do to make this look inviting and easy to see? Or how would they best organize these books or my office space?” Maybe they will be able to visit soon and give me suggestions.
Well, I should wind this down for today and continue to get my house back in order before we start back on our new routine. Our weekly guest returns this week and of course Easter Sunday is this weekend. The choir’s song, The Holy City, is coming along well and I think we will be ready to sing Sunday. Actually, we will sing whether or not we are ready. A very Happy Easter or Resurrection Sunday to you as you celebrate this glorious day of remembering the tomb is empty. “Oh, death, where is thy sting?” “Jesus is risen from the dead!” Hallelujah. Love to all, Sharon