Hello from the confused but beautiful hilltop in Norwood. The day began with flurries and a mild wind blowing those flakes to cover the front porch, blanketing the ground in pure white, and bowing the daffodils as they huddled together for warmth. April has been colder than usual but with the recent rain and two warm days the greening of spring has come. Only today it is under snow, which won’t stay very long.
I only raked those few heaping loads of leaves last Tuesday and then took sick. That was a downer because our winter had been very healthy. I got my voice back yesterday but the cough is lingering. I guess stopping for a complete rest now and again is probably good and necessary so I didn’t push. The hardest thing was to turn away two requests for rooms, cancel two breakfast engagements, and not be able to attend Bible study with Dick.
Fun and food
I have been invited to sing in the community chorus for a fundraiser “That 60’s Show.” This is a variety/talent show at the Norwood-Norfolk Elementary School Friday evening. It is open to the public if you’d like to come. I’m excited about being in it and about meeting more local people.
knowing that once I give in: there will be none until next year
Did I tell you the girl scout cookies came? I have rationed them over the last five weeks and have just two thin mints left! Once I eat them – no more. So how long will I be able to stand looking at them, wondering if they will go stale, and knowing that once I give in: there will be none until next year? Just two more cookies.
I have been thinking….. about the stages of life. Dick has begun to frame in one wall of the addition and prepare the header for the roof. He is building in stages which is why I was thinking about our life. This may seem strange but I’ve not gone to his work sites over the years and so now watching him build nothing into something has been an awesome and inspiring experience. I’m amazed at his working alone and his ability to carry lumber and supplies, use his tools with care and proficiency, and troubleshoot any unforeseen problems. I had heard of his skill from customers but had not observed him in action. Now, I have seen him repair, restore, and remodel over the years, but I’m talking about this complete project. This is a blessed season or stage in our lives when we now can do projects because we want to improve our home, not just out of necessity.
Life’s stages
And another part of the stages of life is that of our older customers and friends that are passing on. While at Maplewood this month singing, I noticed the absence of a dear friend and former customer. I was concerned about her and then saw in the paper that she died last week following our visit there. What also tugged at my heart was in the spot where she had been wheeled and sat each month was someone new. And I knew her. She did not recognize me but I remembered her. She, too, had been a customer at the diner and the last time I saw her, which was last fall, she gave me a hug and whispered, “We sometimes forget you are closed and still drive out to your place (meaning the diner).” I can only hope that the songs we sing each month will minister to her heart and soul. And there is one more. Mr. M also died last week and that was hard, as he and his wife came almost every afternoon for several years for tea and cookies before she died. Then he came alone the last few years we were open. One of the instructions and training to my staff, and many came by it naturally, was to discern if guests were lonely and wanted conversation or just wanted to be alone. There is a big difference between bring alone and being lonely. They do not necessarily go together.
to discern if guests were lonely and wanted conversation or just wanted to be alone
So why am I writing about this? Partly because it is on my mind and partly because it is a reminder to build each stage of life on a solid foundation. When reaching my final stage I want to have such a strong life’s building that though I might be alone I’m not lonely, that my life will have affected others positively, and that I built as high and as strong as I could, knowing that it is God who allowed me to accomplish anything of good in my life.
I am looking forward to getting back to raking soon, watching for the rhubarb to see if it survived, and enjoying fresh chives. The chives are coming up as are the lily of the valley. Happy days are here again! Have a great week. Love, Sharon