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(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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It’s Tuesday and all is well on the hilltop. Yesterday I took the candles down from all the windows except the picture window on the front porch. Christmas is put away until this December but I like to leave the front candles lit for a welcome and a marker for guests.

There is something sad about taking down the lights yet at the same time something exciting because the air is changing with the sun higher in the sky and the days getting longer. The anticipation of spring is definitely in the air. I even like the large, beautiful flakes of a spring snow and we had some of those snowflakes floating around this past week.

The anticipation of spring is definitely in the air

Dick and his friend Bob were able to repair all the broken and leaking pipes at the schoolhouse and water has been officially restored to the diner and to the neighbors. Another difficult project done. Plus Dick got to work with his favorite carpenter who doesn’t mind plumbing.

Guests and Family

We hosted our first non-family, non-friend guests at Rose of Sharon on Friday. A mother and daughter from Alaska were traveling to various college music departments for auditions for the daughter. All went well, we enjoyed them, and wished them well in their travels. Then the article about our bed and breakfast opening was released Sunday evening on northcountrynow.com and our website has received many new views. We have been getting reservations even into the fall. If family and friends are thinking of coming this year to visit it looks like weekdays will be the best or give us plenty of notice for a weekend. We want to be sure to have room for you especially when no one else is here.

Garrett, age 3, then asked, “Can we come visit you?

The phone rang Friday afternoon and this little voice said, “Hi, Grandma. How are you doing?” I then heard his mommy in the background remind him he was calling to ask a question. Garrett, age 3, then asked, “Can we come visit you?” I was smiling as I answered yes and asked him when. “Tomorrow!” That was just perfect because our Alaskan guests were leaving in the morning and so Karen and Jami, Garrett and Heidi came for Saturday night. What a pleasure and joy it was. Garrett brought along his harmonica and together he, his dad, and papa had a little jam session. It was beautiful. I asked him if he was playing his happy song and was told, “No. I’m playing music notes!” So much for what Grandma knows about little boys playing a harmonica.

Loose Ends

Tying up loose ends can sometimes seem like an endless job even though the project or event is completed. Even then it seems I have too many piles and boxes of unfinished projects that have been over for years. By unfinished I mean not tidied up completely and put away. How long does one keep records of hosted events, speaking engagements, birthday cards, received letters, etc. The boxes and stacks of papers can be overwhelming and yet they hold so many past memories I find it very difficult to throw them out. What if I need them someday? Maybe I’m more like my dad than I realized. He collected boxes of stuff from auctions because he might need something in one of those boxes or that something might become an antique one day. Well, my folders are getting to be antique but are probably not worth anything except to me. This is how I dealt with some of my mess this week. I left the piles and rolled up the ends of my skeins of yarn left over from the hats I’ve crocheted this winter. They are now neatly nestled in a basket not taking up much room, and I threw away the wrappers. Nine of them done and I feel good. Wish the other mess was so easy to roll up.

As we march onto this new month may it be one of tying up more loose ends and getting ready for the coming spring. I’m looking forward to it! Yours truly, Sharon
