Today is Sunday. A day of rest and/or refilling for the coming week. I like to think of it as refilling my fuel tank in order to make it all the way through Saturday and then rest and refill again on Sunday. Sometimes that rest includes visits with family, definitely going to church, maybe lunch out, and maybe a nap. Now I am adding my personal date to write the weekly journal on Sunday.
So… I am, back on a Sunday. Since last week’s journal not as much as happened but the days have been filled with some activity or appointment. I have been filling the newly installed bookshelves with categorized material and books leaving the photo albums and pictures to sort this winter. How blessed I am feeling just to see the books organized and readily available. Even some of the old schoolbooks and helps from our homeschooling days are getting used once again as Dick and I will be teaching the young children’s Sunday School class at church. We have signed up for the next four weeks and will be teaching about children in the Bible, learning songs using sign language, playing games, and memorizing Bible verses. We are excited about this new adventure with the children and enjoy working together.
The Women to Women Class also begins this week and I am now getting a little nervous but trust God will take my heart’s desire to help women, no matter what season they are in, and encourage them to be the best they can be. As you know one of my mottos is to “always make my best better” and I continue to work that out in my life, too.
one of my mottos is to “make my best better
Thursday was busy with the West Potsdam Retired Ladies Luncheon over at Denise’s and that was a relief because my September had gotten full so fast and I even had turned the calendar on time. For a couple of week’s I had thought I was hosting but didn’t remember signing up for the month and was trying to work it all in. As it turned out it wasn’t me, but Denise. I’m so grateful for her hospitality and delicious lunch.
That evening the Writers’ Group started up again and eleven of us got off to a great start. I enjoy hosting and listening to their talented skill in penning poetry, prose, and articles on various topics. It is good to be back together. Then our weekly guest for the bed and breakfast returned that evening and what a pleasure to have him stay with us again. Everyone had a lovely summer and it appears that regular routines and schedules are the “in thing” now.
Friday Dick and I had a long overdue appointment with the chiropractor and I am standing a little straighter and not in pain anymore. Just a little soreness, but that should be gone in another few days. We won’t wait so long next time. Then a treat for us while in Canton is lunch out at the Asian Buffet. And so we did. Both the food and the company were excellent.
is busy making ravioli to serve to her neighbors after the storm passes by
I haven’t been thinking about anything particular since the last journal so I won’t make up anything. To my dear friends and family in Florida, know we are praying for protection and safety for you. May you come through this hurricane intact and without harm. One of my friends posted she is busy making ravioli to serve to her neighbors after the storm passes by. She can’t sit still and others are too frightened to move. It reminded me of a quote by Lee Iacocca “In times of great stress or adversity, its always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” In my friend’s case, I would say the food is her positive!
As we begin to enter my favorite season, autumn, enjoy it to the fullest. I intend to! Love from just over the hilltop, Sharon