Rainy days can tend to seem gloomy but when I turn up my music from the diner, flick on the lights overhead, grab a little chocolate, and get back to making lists, the day is so pleasant. I have been working on postcard and newspaper ads, ideas for workshops, a plan for children coming into the bookstore that might occupy them while their parents shop, and more layout and display designs.
And I’m still making lists for Dick to check and approve because I hope to start ordering some inventory next week. He has finished the corner bookshelves and started on the under-the-counter bookshelf yesterday. That was after taking the van to our trusted mechanic, who replaced the entire back hatch for us. Saturday the back window shattered and fell out while sitting here in the driveway. We were thankful it happened at home and very grateful for a new back door. It is in much better shape than the old and we don’t mind a two-toned vehicle.
then reminisce on the good old days of burgers, frappes, and pies!
I finally took the four poster boards of pictures from Mom’s Schoolhouse closing party and brought them home. We are serious about this new business venture but the past memories are hard to put away. So, I put them in a photo album and will keep it at the bookstore in case any former customers stop by. We can then reminisce on the good old days of burgers, frappes, and pies! And the other delightful customers, the talented musicians, and the amazing staff that was such a part of the diner for ten years. Good times ahead are coming up for us in the bookstore where we’ll be making new and precious memories with old and new people.
Thursday the West Potsdam Retired Ladies held their monthly luncheon at Ardie’s with delicious food and wonderful fellowship. I had missed the last two as I had strained my back in December and we were at our family Christmas in January. It was so good to be back with them. That night we hosted the writers’ group and most everyone was able to be here. I miss those absent though we still have a good time.
I’m challenging myself on the piano with a nine-page song for the choir to sing for the Easter service. It is a beautiful song and the choir loves it. It is called “The Holy City” and covers Palm Sunday, the Resurrection, and the future Jerusalem. It is very moving and encouraging and my prayer is that I will be able to play it smoothly and with much feeling. We have several weeks to practice so I’m quite hopeful all will be well. This past week we sang “The Church in the Wildwood” and many in the congregation were singing along with the old familiar melody. I so enjoy working with the choir and am blessed to hear their voices blending as one.
Somber thoughts
I’ve been thinking…………that as a community or society we may have slipped away from some very important manners of etiquette when special events or tragedies occur. There is a scripture in Romans that encourages us to “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.” I think our personal feelings shouldn’t come into play at the time of great happenings or tragic accidents. When our community lost a father and three daughters in a house fire this winter leaving the wife and mother alone, I don’t recall an outcry against the matches or wires or wood that may have started that fire. People rallied around this young mom to lift and support her while she walked through those difficult weeks. A couple of years ago someone was speeding, hit a vehicle head-on killing many family members and once again the community rallied around those left behind. The car was not blamed.
is a time for everything under the heaven
I suppose by now you think you know where I might be going with this but it really isn’t about guns. It is about mourning with those who are mourning and leaving the discussions and outcries until a more appropriate time. As the song sung by The Byrds many years ago, “Turn, Turn, Turn,” there really is a time for everything under the heaven. And my thought is that that time is later not now. My heart is aching for a town that has lost so many but when I turn on the news I hear the exploiting of the youth and trying to blame guns and people not involved.
Right now many are rejoicing in the accomplishments of the competitors at the Olympics which is good and right. All I want is to also be able to mourn with those who are mourning without commentary for a while. May God help us all to be more sensitive to one another, whether we rejoice or we mourn. My love goes out to all from just over the hilltop here in Norwood. Sharon