Happy Thanksgiving from just over the hilltop in Norwood where most of the snow has melted in these last couple of days with the increased warm temperatures. The village was able to clear away the debris of leaves and brush along the roadsides this morning and now it can snow again. I am grateful the ugly pile didn’t have to stay throughout the winter.
Today Dick went to Eric’s woods to cut some birch saplings for the window display at the church and he is now stringing twinkle lights in the branches. We will hang a wreath and then put twinkle lights in a manger with the words from a Phillip Bliss song above it. “The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin, the light of the world is Jesus.” What a wonderful thought as we exit this time of thanksgiving for all the blessings God has given us and enter into the season of celebrating the Light of the world.
Once again we have been busy and love our “retreaded” life as I call it. Dick walked in the Hobble Gobble on Saturday and visited with old and new participants in this yearly event. This was the 22nd year for the Hobble Gobble and Dick’s, I think, twelfth year. This year he felt the urge to run up the last hill for a spell and said it was exhilarating. He is such an inspiration to me.
he is such an inspiration to me
Sunday afternoon we took Danielle, who turned ten a few weeks ago, to the Remington Museum in Ogdensburg. With our local grandchildren we take them out by themselves to some event and then to supper or lunch for their tenth birthday. Danielle has an interest in sketching and painting so we thought she might enjoy the sculptures and paintings of Frederic Remington. We had a lovely time and ate at the Hometown Diner in Madrid after our time at the museum. She impressed us as having the ability to see into the artist’s drawings and loved his use of color. She also pointed out the distinct differences in duplicate castings of remakes of some of the sculptures. Certainly a good eye and hopefully she won’t stop drawing.
Blessings and Baking
I was busy baking for a special order of apple pie and pumpkin muffins, getting some last minute items for the weekend of family arriving, and as you can see started the journal though I didn’t finish it yesterday. Last evening we attended and sang in the Norwood village churches Thanksgiving program held at the Methodist Church. There were over twenty of us that joined together from the various churches to make up this community choir. It was beautiful as the voices blended in angelic parts, yet sounding as one. It was a special evening and I’m glad we were invited.
music is so good for the soul
Dick also put in a railing for the steps outside the church, painted the bathroom floor, and installed the baseboard so the bathroom is almost complete now. He put up posters this morning around the village to inform and invite people to a Community Sing-A-Long of hymns and Christmas carols next Friday, December 6 at 7:00. We love “home-grown” singing around the piano and are praying this might be a way to gather people together. Music is so good for the soul.
Well, I got delayed again in writing and am just returning to finish this journal, which is now the third day of writing. Today is Thanksgiving day and it was a lovely, quiet day for us. We went to the Episcopal Church in the village for dinner at noon, then finished decorating Grace Bible Fellowship, and then I started getting food ready for our family Thanksgiving on Saturday. So, I think I’ll just sign off and quote a saying I saw earlier today on the computer. “May you count more blessings than the fallen autumn leaves.” (that’s my paraphrase of the quote actually) Have a blessed week counting your blessings. Love, Sharon