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Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Welcome to “just over the hilltop” where the sun is melting and settling the piles of snow, the wind is drying the melting snow on the driveway, and the temperature warmed up overnight to 42 this morning. This is about the fourth overnight warm-up and that is a new phenomenon in my memory.

Since the beginning of the year I have marveled that once again it was warmer in the morning than when I went to bed and I’m wondering if that is in indication of the winter resigning itself to the fact that the cold days are almost over and warmer days are on the way. We had an ice storm on Sunday and combined with a faulty heater and smudging windshield wipers, we needed to pull the van over twice for Dick to scrape so I could see clearly again for a while. (Yes, I usually drive because he is understanding about my desire to be the driver and not a passenger due to bad experiences of the past.) And I don’t mind driving. This year it is even better because again my trusty studded tires took us to the top of our iced driveway without spinning, fishtailing, or needing to start again with more speed. You guessed it. I love my wheels!

You guessed it. I love my wheels!

Dick was able to get the leaky faucet repaired and all is working great in the clawfoot tub. We also attended the Republican Caucus for a new village trustee to replace someone resigning. I enjoy getting to see and learn more of how our local government works.

I am gaining on my goal to file income tax on time this year. I’m not done but am gaining. Once I get started I enjoy the process and I love making numbers balance so I’m not sure why I put off so much until the last minute. I purpose to work on a monthly worksheet schedule but that usually only lasts a few months. The story of the turtle and the hare is so applicable and I am the turtle for most of the year and then I become the hare, hurrying to the finish line. Oh, well. Some habits seems harder to break than others and the years having the diner started me in this bad habit.

February 13

Hello again from the hilltop! I never finished the journal last week and this was not because I’m too busy. I began to mix too many thoughts together and mixing analogies and it wasn’t working. So, I put it away and here I am trying again.

Since last week, we have had two more nights where the temperatures rose during the night. Sure seems strange. And we had plenty of ice so that we didn’t open the bookstore last Thursday and then yesterday we had about 10-12 inches of lovely snow. Winter can be so pretty, even with the clean-up. God gives us beauty in each season.

I am so thankful for fellow believers who just love to sing!

Friday night we had a wonderful “Old-time Gospel Song-along” at the bookstore and the laughter and songs chosen help bind us closer to one another and closer to God. I am so thankful for fellow believers who just love to sing! Sunday evening our oldest son, Eliot, stayed with us while he came to the North Country to help his brother Eric this week trucking to Ohio, Florida, and Alabama. We had a lovely visit and I love that they are working together this week. I pray they missed the storm, build great memories, and that both trucks are running well.

Monday we enjoyed a breakfast meeting here with several friends and Tuesday I attended the West Potsdam Retired Ladies Luncheon at Bonnie’s. What a joy to get back together after the long holiday break. Dick waited for me at the bookstore while Merriman’s Inc. installed a second propane tank for our heating system. The heaters needed to be shut down then restarted and he stayed to keep an eye on them while I ate. I always like it when schedules and appointments can be coordinated so nicely.

I trust you are enjoying February as much as I am and that all your schedules and appointments coordinate perfectly. Stay safe, warm, and blessed. Love, Sharon
