85 N. Main St., Norwood, NY 13668
(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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The doctor had called me that morning long ago, to see if I was home alone. I was. He suggested I call someone as he didn’t expect Errin Bruce to live much longer. He thought I should have someone with me for when he needed to make the call.

Forty-five years ago the hospitals were like foreign territory and it was difficult to get in to see a loved one, especially in ICU. Visiting hours were very much restricted and enforced and so I now, at age twenty-four myself, waited for the call to tell me that Errin’s young life of just one month was over. I wanted to be alone.

In quietness and peace was my strength” that day

Why, you may ask? I love to tell stories but drama isn’t my middle name. And so I wanted to hear and bear the news alone for a while. I called George (my first husband), who was away trucking, with the news and he came when he was finished that day. We had known this hour was coming but not the particular hour. “In quietness and peace was my strength” that day and God enabled me, as a new believer, to trust Him with a greater belief that He is faithful and would be there for me. He was and still is my strong tower when life’s trials and heartaches come along.

But as one of Karen’s favorites songs when she was a child says, “If I’d never have a problem I wouldn’t know that He could solve them. I’d never know what faith in God could do.” Yes, faith in a God who cares for me and for Errin. Today is the anniversary of his “going to heaven” day forty-five years ago. And I’m good with that for I know there will be a great reunion in the sky one day and I’ll see my beloved son once again.

Fun Times

Now on to other things. Today also was another mug n’ muffin day at the new church and then the West Potsdam Retired Ladies luncheon at Denise’s. What a delightful few hours of just stopping and enjoying one another while eating a delicious meal. This monthly gathering is such a sweet refreshing to my soul. Today we laughed and laughed and laughed over embarrassing or unforgettable personal stories, shared household hints and remedies, and relaxed as the world went by. I saw a quote by Charles Kuralt recently, and it seems appropriate for today. “It does no harm just once in a while to acknowledge that the whole country isn’t in flames, that there are people in the country besides politicians, entertainers, and criminals.” I was with them today. Thank you, retired ladies!

He is special and I’m going to keep him

I think I mentioned that Dick had bought himself a new-used van because his dear work van, Nellie Belle went to the metal graveyard. It is a 2006 Chrysler Town and Country in a beautiful red. Sunday he handed me the keys and said it was now mine and he was ready to use my van for his work vehicle. He had switched personal items already and he was going to put a roof rack on and fill it with tools again. He had been working out of the garage and trying to guess every tool he’d need for a job. I do think I have the most wonderful man and I thank God for his love, care, and selfless giving to me. He is special and I’m going to keep him!

Recently when shopping at a small store, I started to sign my check and the girl at the register gleefully said, “Oh, I remember you. You have the most beautiful handwriting and I loved watching you sign your name every time you came to the market.” Wow. To be known by a signature was unusual and quite delightful. She used to work at the larger market and I hadn’t recognized her until she told me where she had worked. It seems harder to place someone when you stumble on them out of context, but her watching me sign my name made me realize that even the little things we do, people may notice.

New Changes

The code officer has inspected, approved, and given us our seating capacity paper for the new church. We are having an Open House, or should I say Open Church, Friday from 6:30-8:30 for anyone interested in just seeing what 7 Mechanic Street looks like now. Then on Sunday the 22nd, we’ll start with our first service at 10:30 which is open to all who are not involved in another church and may be looking for a starting point in faith.

at your age this step of faith is an inspiration to us to pray for you

Sunday was our last day at Emmanuel Baptist and we were blessed with the closing song, having been requested by us, to be able to sing “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.” A portion of the third verse was very applicable to us, “then go to a world that is dying, His perfect salvation to tell.” After singing, the pastor had Dick and me stand so they could pray over us as we begin this season of trying to reach those who may be or will be looking to have faith in someone other than themselves. I loved when pastor said prior to praying, “at your age this step of faith is an inspiration to us to pray for you” and he did. May God help us.

Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. We are off and going higher up and further in to serve and know more of Him, who has saved us and called us. May you also reach for your calling. Love, Sharon
