Hello from “just over the hilltop” in Norwood where the garden flowers are beautiful, the air is sweet, and the breezes are still gentle. A few caterpillars are crawling about but are not overwhelming at this time. I’ve heard that in some areas the tent caterpillars are a nuisance.
The lilies of the valley, the lilacs, and the bleeding heart have all passed away while the irises are still in bloom though not as many. Now the tiny irises, both purple and white, are in full bloom and seven of the white peonies have fully opened and my heart swells looking at their beauty. Just walking to the garden makes me think of the song my Mom played often when I was young. “I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses. And the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses. And He walks with me and He talks with me. And He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known.”
Sometimes I wish I could go back and tarry longer at the piano
Friday was my Mom’s birthday and during the “Old-time Gospel Sing-along” that night at the bookstore, we sang that song, “In the Garden,” thinking of her and her love of music. She played piano, organ, and accordion, bringing the joy of music and song together. Her alto voice is amazing and I hope she still sings to herself while puttering in the kitchen. Sometimes I wish I could go back and tarry longer at the piano but as a child we don’t always tuck memories away for the future. I now look back longing for those precious memories to come and remain.
A keyboard
Wednesday we met Pete, our friend, former employee of the diner, and website designer for lunch at Hometown Cafe. After lunch Pete showed me how to set up a keyboard, turn it on, and default to piano. This is my humble beginnings on learning to play a keyboard. (I’ve been practicing quite a bit and am starting to feel familiar with what Pete showed me. Matter of fact, I even tried piano and strings mode at the same time. That’s all for now, folks!) Pete also helped program the cash register at the bookstore and took care of a few computer issues and questions I had. He is an amazing young man and a very gracious servant. May God bless him greatly.
Writers’ group held the next to last meeting before summer break and only one was missing this time. What a special time we have listening to and encouraging each other in their writings. Jean even passed out an “assignment” asking for suggestions and corrections. Red pens went to work! But I appreciated the comment from Vicki who reminded all of us that in the end it should be our words that speak, not someone who corrects or suggests. In other words, be sure the words speak your heart, mind, and soul.
be sure the words speak your heart, mind, and soul
When our grandson Sam was here at the beginning of the week, he wanted to go home. Then after he got home, he wanted to come for a sleep over again at grandma’s and grandpa’s house. I was glad to hear that for it is a joy to have him want to come. He even called to say he was pretending to come to our house while playing at home and to tell me he played with a “new” friend when they stopped at the park in Booneville. They had taken a break from driving to stretch and run around. It sounded like fun though I’m sure Kate was tired from the trip.
I felt I needed or at least wanted to mention the misspelled word in the title of last week’s journal. Cruizin.’ Can’t it be spelt that way? I’m thinking that cruising with a “z” makes one feel as though the car is zipping right along, while spelled with an “s” feels slow and meandering. Slow and meandering is great for a Sunday afternoon drive but zipping along is what cruising is all about! Anyway, I’m not going to change the spelling and hopefully you’ll forgive my doing it my way.
More music
Sunday was children’s day at church, celebrating the end of Sunday School until fall, followed by the annual church picnic and kickball game of adults versus the children. This year the children won and a good time was had by all who played and those who watched. During the service, Dick and I sang a Steve and Annie Chapman song for the parents and grandparents that reminds them that these children will be grown one day and the little things done with them now is what matters most. The song was “Good Night Kiss” and we ended with our family’s “Walton-style” good night routine in which Ethan wanted us to be sure to say it “with our hands.” That meant holding our hands up in the dark and signing “I love you.” It took what seemed forever to get through everyone’s calling back and forth, to which quite often I then called out, “Go to sleep now!” Oh, the days were long but the years were short and precious memories are what we have now. Yes, there are times when I wish I could “do it just once more” as the song says but the memories of those days are dear to us and we have hidden them in our hearts to hold forever. May you hold on to the special memories of your children and parents, too. We should have them tucked away somewhere.
I was thinking this week……… and just wanted to share that being with and by myself is also a joy and pleasure. I like being with me and when I shared this with Dick, I said that “wherever I go or find myself in life, there I am, and so I want to get along with me the best I can.” I’m sure I heard my brother, Donny, say something similar years ago because I can’t generally come up with things like that on my own. Part of the reason I enjoy being with me, is because I have peace with God and peace with myself. Have a great week and may you have or find that peace, too. Love, Sharon