Here we are! October: the most wonderful time of the year to me and probably my favorite month of the year. This is the month I met Dick at a Singles Retreat in New Hampshire and my life has been full and complete ever since. Columbus Day Weekend is when our paths crossed for the first time and we began a courtship of sorts via the telephone, letter writing, and occasional visits. He lived in New Hampshire, I in Massachusetts.
Our dating included five children and family-style activities which didn’t seem to phase him one bit. We sought God’s will for our lives in this relationship and in December he asked me to marry him. A year later that came to pass and here we are again remembering and celebrating that special weekend that started it all. A hay ride, playing ping pong, and him singing to me as we talked into the wee hours of the morning. I am still amazed that he wanted me and the children. God certainly does wonderful things when we submit ourselves to Him.
Fall happenings
Two squirrels have been captured and released, A doe with her two fawns have been setting off the motion sensor light next door at odd hours of the night, and the first sound of geese came overhead a few days ago. We bought a collection of misshapen pumpkins, priced one dollar each, from our Amish neighbors to line the porch and steps. And I don’t mind they are imperfect for it adds to their character. We also picked up some yellow mums in memory of Errin Bruce which are beautiful. Truly fall is in the air and I look forward to the fallen leaves to scoff about in and crunch. I love the earthy smell they give off.
I don’t mind they are imperfect for it adds to their character
Dick had a wonderful and encouraging report from his tests last week which indicated he is in excellent shape and can come off one of his medications. He only takes three and this is the best one to be off for which we are thankful. We will retest in three months to make sure his cholesterol numbers stay in balance. Thank you, Lord, for good reports.
He finished the porch job in Potsdam and is now working on putting together the steeple for the church. He also took out the air conditioners in the guest rooms, hung up a sign on the porch “(“you are my sunshine”), and finished installing the twinkle lights around the porch ceiling. This is in between his own projects and jobs. I realize these might seem like little things but to me they are the little things that I so appreciate because they are little things I can’t do. My expertise lies in other areas.
Did you ever lie on the ground and watch the clouds? Or sit in a swing or rocking chair on the porch just staring at the sky? I do and sometimes I am just thinking, occasionally dreaming, and seemingly “wasting” the hours away. But it really isn’t a waste. Slowing down or stopping for a while can help restore and energize you to keep going especially if life has become stressed or many young children are exhausting you. Take them along and ask them to look for faces in the clouds. Or animals. I guess you know what I’ve been thinking about and doing lately. Yes, watching the clouds and dreaming.
watching the clouds and dreaming
Albert Einstein said “Two ways to live your life: one is as though nothing is a miracle; the other is as though everything is a miracle.” I have chosen the latter and the clouds are just a part of that miracle. I will continue to look for more this week, for miracles abound, and to appreciate the little things that Dick does for me. Love, Sharon