What a beautiful start to my day as a woodpecker sounded his alarm before 6:00 and the sun shone through the east window. I rolled over to see the morning shadows on the barn and continue to listen to his rat-ta-tat-tat before getting up for the glorious day ahead. And a glorious day it is. Cool but glorious.
The buds are very slowly emerging on most of the trees and bushes, the deer are eating the new lush shoots of the lilies (ugh), and the grass is beginning to fill out and become a lovely dark green. The ground is still quite wet and though more rain is coming, the dandelions over at the bookstore are blossoming and welcoming us to work. A delight of spring.
This past week our activities slowed down somewhat and the last few days I’ve been working on office projects and shortening my stacks of papers. How does the mail, notes, and other paraphernalia pile up so quickly? Whew. I feel good about the damage control of these few days and actually got a proposal written. And now I’m writing to you from “just over the hilltop” while I take a break.
I feel good about the damage control of these few days
Dick was building, designing, and painting signs for a customer, which we delivered yesterday. They look wonderful. On the way he found two free matching rocking chairs and brought them home to repaint for our front porch. I had mentioned recently that it would be nice to have a couple more rockers and lo and behold, there they were. Ours for the taking. Thank you, Lord for little blessings.
Last Thursday Writers’ Group met with just a few of us this time but the writings were marvelous. Dick had gone to a National Day of Prayer service, another to a school musical, one resting before knee replacement, and a couple not able to make it. Dick asked me to read his essay for him as it was very close to his heart and still wanted to share even if he wasn’t here. The encouragement and insights given to one another have been greatly helpful to our writing. What a special group of writers we are a part of.
the encouragement and insights given to one another have been greatly helpful to our writing
Sunday was a busy day as we went to Sunday School at Emmanuel Church, worship at the Nazarene Church (where David our former pastor was guest teaching), then stayed for their pot luck lunch, came home to bake strawberry/rhubarb muffins for a stranger who had helped us out when we had vehicle problems recently, and then on to Eric’s for a Sunday afternoon visit and evening pizza. Also Matthew had turned fifteen and we wanted to give him his card with his age money. Hard to believe that he is fifteen.
So, I have enjoyed these few days of resting and working quietly at home while the world rushes on. It is good to be still occasionally. That is one of my favorite verses from Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” Knowing that He is in all and over all in my life keeps me balanced and still when days hurry along. May your days be joyful, sunny, and sometimes still. Love, Sharon