Welcome to “just over the hilltop” in Norwood where the new year came whether I was ready or not. And I wasn’t. But like the first snowfall of the season, after it comes, all is well. So here is 2017 – ready or not!
Most of you know how much I love January for stopping and slowing down: so for that reason, I need this month and it came at just the right time. For some reason I have been feeling down, a little discouraged, and not inspired. I know it is temporary so will write this journal though my heart is not in it today. And I don’t even know why.
I need this month and it came at just the right time
Our Christmas was very quiet with us attending two Christmas Eve services, one at 7:00 and one at 11:00, and then went to a lovely Christmas Day service. How special that Christmas fell on a church day, which made it extraordinary and beautiful. Our friends Dave and Judi had us over for Christmas dinner and that evening Eric’s family came over here for dessert and the grandchildren gave the rest of their projects they had made to their parents. It was a very lovely day.
Other activities in December were the last of the year’s writers’ group meeting until February, the West Potsdam Retired Ladies lunch and cookie exchange, shopping with my friend Susan at the Ashley House and Cart and Barrel, and several kitchen visits over tea with friends Joan, Dorothy, and Bonnie. Christmas Eve day I donned my red scarf and set out with a red towel lined basket delivering mini loaves of graham bread and a jar of homemade jam to my immediate neighborhood ladies. It was a busy and wonderful month.
I donned my red scarf and set out with a red towel lined basket delivering
Jami, Karen, and the grandchildren came Saturday for the weekend and for our family Christmas held at Eric’s and Andrea’s on Sunday. Chad, Kate, and grandchildren arrived Sunday afternoon so there were eighteen of us gathered. We played Yankee Swap, ate too much, Eric started up his doodlebug to give rides, and everyone had a grand time. Always sad when the day ends.
Many people make resolutions over New Year’s, but I don’t. I feel as though I’m setting myself up to fail and that’s not good for my morale. So, I set some goals (both personal and functional home projects), places I’d like to go, and people I’d like to see. If they come to pass, tis good. If not than I can slide my list over to the next year. This works well for me!
Quotes familiar
Recently, I saw these quotes on my friend Elaine’s facebook page and thought them a good reminder as I start January. “Find courage in dis-courage-ment.” “Trying times are not the time to stop trying.” And “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.” Then I found a quote from Ben Franklin saying, “Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every New Year find you a better man.”
May your New Year find you better – not bitter and your resolutions or goals be met with enthusiasm and delight. I may not know what tomorrow will bring, but I know Who holds tomorrow. God bless you. Love, Sharon