Hello from just over the hilltop in Norwood where the “hilltop” has taken on a new meaning this week. Two little grandchildren, Garrett and Heidi, have been here since Wednesday evening with their mommy and daddy. Because grandma won’t let them play on the driveway, they need to go up on the hill where flying saucers, kick balls, or baseballs cannot roll down the drive and into the road. Both are too young to go up alone.
So, Grandma (that’s ME) takes them up to the hill to swing, watch the clouds, play ball, look at flowers, and anything else that happens on a hilltop. I’ve pushed them so high in the swing they giggle as they touch the leaves with their feet. We’ve seen a deer in the valley, milkweed flowers, jets with their white contrails, listened to birds talk, try to swing a little bat and hit the plastic baseball, and even saw an Amish buggy and horse go by.
Grandma, will you please take me outside on the hill?
The first night they were here I introduced them to fireflies while sitting out on the porch. It was long after dark and both of them were enthralled with these little flying lanterns which was the first thing they asked about when getting up the next morning. I explained that fireflies are a treat only after dark and so, each night we go out to watch them. Oh, the simple pleasures in life and how to delight a young child! In a sweet voice Heidi says, “Grandma, will you please take me outside on the hill?” It’s hard to turn down a request asked so politely from a two-year-old.
So much has happened since the last journal, and with our company, I put off writing Tuesday. Everyone is gone at the moment so I thought I’d get a start on a “late journal.” The weather has been gorgeous with some very hot days and now a few cool days. I was able to deadhead many of the gone-by flowers and get some weeding done and Dick planted two more Oriental Lilies for me which I had picked up for half price.
Dick, Dave, Judi, Ardie, and I met at the Eisenhower Locks recently to watch the Draken Harald Viking ship pass through the lock. We had a very good viewing spot and I took some beautiful pictures. Before Dick and I actually met, he had seen me from afar and marveled for he tells me I looked like a figurehead to him. He was amazed at what he called, “a stately and straightforward look.” That day in the Locks I gazed on the figurehead of Draken to see if I might see what he saw so many years ago.
she would head directly into the calm or dangerous waters of life passing through those waters with success
The figurehead keeps a steady watch of all going on in front. It has a high profile, but doesn’t appear snobby or stuck-up. She seemed to have a confidence and resolve that she would head directly into the calm or dangerous waters of life passing through those waters with success, not stopping or getting distracted along the way. In other words, she stays completely focused on the goal straight ahead. Well, if that was what Dick saw before getting to know me, I pray that picture he had of me as a figurehead was an indication of me and my character. I desire to be like that ship’s figurehead moving always in the right direction and bringing along those who want to travel the same path. Garrett said the figurehead on the Draken looked like a dragon. Well, I can be fierce at times, too.
Projects and friends
We now have the new water softener in at the schoolhouse, the camper is gone, Dick is putting up new ceiling tile, and Thursday the West Potsdam Retired Ladies held their luncheon there. It was my turn to host and we had a picnic lunch with great discussions of many, many topics. One in particular is the gracious and giving spirit of strangers, as one of the ladies shared her recent need of help while traveling. We also talked of the renewed purpose for the newly painted and refreshed schoolhouse, which still needs a name. I enjoy those ladies, and though one was absent and missed, we had a great time.
prepared to sit at the piano and play “Till the Storm passes By
Tuesday dark ominous clouds began to come over the hilltop and I was able to get a few pictures before the storm arrived. But, it never arrived here. We could hear it to the north of us but we only had a little rain. I was prepared to sit at the piano and play “Till the Storm Passes By” but it passed by without me playing.
Well, I’ll sign off for now and finish the week’s activities next time. It’s that time of the year to read the Declaration of Independence again, and we wish you a safe and happy celebration of our country’s birthday. May the fourth be ever with us. Love to you and to this nation, Sharon