85 N. Main St., Norwood, NY 13668
(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Showing posts marked with the tag Picnic.

Hello from “just over the hilltop” where the deer and the antelope (well, we don’t have antelope here) play and eat flowers. That’s right. It seems the deer repellent is not working, wearing off too quickly, or the deer are desperate. This morning many of my beautiful geraniums had been snipped off and eaten and…

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At the moment I am listening to the weather report of our area and south of us is a large storm system with possible tornadoes heading through Lewis County. It appears to be north of where our daughters live and south of us, but never the less, the danger and anxious waiting is going on…

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Hello from just over the hilltop where this last week was exceptionally busy and “we will have these moments to remember.” Snapping fresh beans given to us by our neighbor, John, along with delicious beets, two kinds of lettuce, and zucchini. Admiring the classic cars at the Hometown Cafe Tuesday evening. Watching our grandchildren Elizabeth,…

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