85 N. Main St., Norwood, NY 13668
(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Maybe you haven’t noticed but the weekly journal has not been successfully on-time for quite some time now and it is even getting my days mixed up. I confess I took on too much this fall and am finding it quite a challenge to keep up with myself. I haven’t juggled so many different meetings, classes, studies, teachings, guests, along with baking and cleaning in a long time. Whew, I guess I’m not wonder woman anymore.

Then again, maybe I never was! Anyway, the days have been bouncing together like the bubbles on my screen safer and I often don’t think I’ve amounted to anything except looking like the bubbles. Now I am stopping to write, trying to remember, scan my notes, and find the words to describe my wonderfully full life just over the hilltop in Norwood.

The air is perfect, the sun been warm and pleasant, the full moon kept me awake a few nights, the clouds and geese are moving across the skyline, the leaves are falling too fast, and I am appreciating health though under the weather at the moment. And the geraniums are still in full bloom!   Yes, life is good though busy for a while longer.


The women’s classes are going very well and it has been good for me to get my many thoughts, God’s principles, and practical solutions down on paper for presentation. I am fully enjoying this time with the ladies. Our four weeks of teaching Sunday School ended Sunday though the children will be presenting their Bible verses and songs during church this week. They were great to work with and we’d sign up again if they have need and wanted us. The boys and girls seemed to love Mr. Bastille’s stories and antics as he tries to sign the songs. He uses Karen’s and Jami’s idea and begins each story with “a long time ago in a place far from here…..”  Good times and I love working with Dick.

good times and I love working with Dick

Did I tell you we caught two squirrels? And a skunk? It was huge and our new neighbor, who will be moving in soon, helped Dick take care of it. Now just to figure out how to get the faint smell off the borrowed havavhart trap. Talking about our neighbors they have chosen and begun the outside painting and it is beautiful. A dark gray with white trim. Dick is helping with the painting, even going up in the lift, so it can be finished before cold weather settles in. It looks so nice.

We had guests over the weekend which was the weekend of our meeting thirty-five years ago at a singles retreat in New Hampshire. God has a way a bringing people together at just the right time and for us it was the perfect time. We both love Columbus Day and not just for historical reasons.


I had a phone call the other day from Heidi and Garrett so they could tell me about their school days and the Bible verses they are learning. I was very impressed because they weren’t short verses. They had both just finished phonics and Garrett was waiting for his Daddy to help with math. I am so honored they want to tell Grandpa and me about their school day. We are looking forward to seeing them and the rest of the family at the end of the month as we are going to have Thanksgiving in October while everyone can travel more easily since we live so spread out. First time for this.

Well, I can’t remember much more only that I did finally get all my tax information to our accountant and our taxes will be filed before the extension deadline. Why do I wait? I don’t know…..it just works out that way. My office desk and I are still trying to get cleared and organized but somehow we aren’t co-operating very well. Hint: keep trying and get more file boxes. Or I could toss more out?

I hope you continue to enjoy this great month of October. I am! Love, Sharon
