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(315) 353-5054

Blog“Just Over the Hilltop”

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Showing posts marked with the tag Porch.

The days are once again flying by with a flurry of activity and I think that’s the way life should be. That is: as long as I pace myself and keep my quiet time special as much as possible. Summer pleasures and activities have begun with some sadness sprinkled in. And summer itself began with…

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“Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh, what a beautiful day”……and I am enjoying it by alternating my inside and outside projects. It is not too hot, not too cold. In other words, a seemingly perfect day “just over the hilltop.” And I’m enjoying the porch. As usual I have let the tares(weeds) grow up with…

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Robert Frost wrote in his poem “Mending Wall” that “good fences make good neighbors.” I was reminded of this poem today while talking with my neighbor over the cedar post fence along our side garden. We chatted about the cool weather, the fragrant lilacs, and the glaring tin roof next door that was reflecting the…

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